Paula White: Of Course Evangelicals Should Vote for Trump

Paula White, Spiritual Advisor to the President, makes her case for reelection.

Never before in the history of our nation, have we been at this type of a crossroads. There are two very distinct visions for America. At the end of the day those who we elect into office will legislate what happens to our children and future generations. A very beautiful and compelling opportunity is in our hands and we get to decide what America, and specifically the church in America, will be like in the coming years and decades. Your voice and vote will make that decision in just a few days.

I have had the opportunity and privilege to know President Trump up close and personal for over 19 years, and to work with him and his family as a faith leader in their lives. I’ve seen him firsthand as a father, a husband, a leader, a businessman and now the President of the United States of America. I also recognize most people have secondhand information that mischaracterizes the man I know. Therefore, I will talk about the “good fruit” (or what we call in politics — “policy”) that has come from this “good tree” — President Trump.

Here are ten reasons you should give the president four more years.

  • He has reset our courts for a generation. The president promised to appoint originalist judges to our Supreme Court who would protect our religious freedoms and not legislate from the bench. He has now appointed more than 200 of them, including three Supreme Court justices. He has flipped three of the Circuit Courts and given us a super majority on the Supreme Court. Biden has made it clear that he’s considering “packing the court” – fundamentally altering our third branch of government – and he will appoint progressives to the court in the vein of the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

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