The Growth of Our Multiracial and Multiethnic Churches: An Honest Assessment

In other words, when it comes to churches being part of the solution to racial injustice instead of an ongoing problem, NPR would have us believe that the glass remains half empty. Last Friday (July 17, 2020), NPR’s All Things Considered, aired an 8-minute feature titled, “Multiracial Congregations May Not Bridge Racial Divide.” The narration begins, “As America turns its attention to the work of overcoming racial injustice the role of churches comes into... Read More

Sex Offenders Can Find Hope in Christ But Not Necessarily a Place at Church

Most Christians believe offenders belong at worship. Most congregations aren’t prepared to welcome them. Churches that suspended in-person gatherings during the pandemic have pledged not to welcome their congregations back until they’re sure they can be safe. While the risk of coronavirus spread is the major concern right now, LifeWay Christian Resources is urging leaders to use their reopening plans as a chance to also revisit their policies to prevent sexual abuse. Most pastors see... Read More

Through the Eyes of a Woman: What I’ve Learned Over the Past 15 Years on Gender, Leadership, and the Church, Part 2

As a woman who has felt disappointment more than once in the church, my hope nevertheless remains strong. In Part 1, I talked about my own journey of entering the evangelical world as a female. Sure, there have been challenges, but moreso, I’ve learned a few lessons that I hope will encourage women to live into their calling and encourage male leaders to provide space for that to happen. And here’s the thing: as long as women are exposed to a secondary status in our evangelical... Read More

I’m Awash in Christian ‘Content.’ But Am I Living Like Christ?

Jon Tyson’s celebration of joyful, countercultural faith offers a convicting heart check. What voices are loudest in my life? Last fall, I wrote this question on a sticky note and posted it near my desk as a reminder to examine who I’m listening to and what I’m being formed by. Between the endless streams of social media posts, the cacophony of podcasts and playlists, and the ever-expanding pile of books on my nightstand, I had no shortage of distractions from the voice of God... Read More

Florida sets COVID-19 record with 173 more deaths reported Thursday

Senior care: At least 2,557 deaths have occurred in nursing homes and long-term care facilities, a figure that represents 46.3% of the state total for coronavirus deaths of residents. Miami-Dade County has the highest number of long-term care facility deaths, with 585, or 22.9% of the total. Palm Beach County had 301 deaths, or 11.8%, and Broward accounted for 186 deaths or 7.3%. ... Read More

Superintendent Runcie Discusses Challenges to School Reopening and Asks Community to Work to Lower Number of COVID-19 cases.

Wednesday, July 22 , 2020During the Wednesday, June 22, Broward County School Board special workshop, Superintendent Runcie announced that three of our high schools will be used as temporary free drive-thru COVID-19 testing sites. ... Read More