Here’s a sampling of the many community remembrances in South Florida to honor those who died on Oct. 7 in Israel, those who were injured and those who remain captive. Most gatherings are free and require advance registration.
Virtual Global Commemoration in Tamarac
WHAT: After a memorial service, the congregation will link up with a worldwide online memorial gathering, broadcast live from Israel and organized by the Conservative/Masorti Movement.
WHEN: 11:30 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 6
WHEN: Temple Beth Torah Sha’aray Tzedek, 5700 NW 94th Ave., Tamarac
REGISTRATION: Call 954-721-7660, email frontdesk@tbtst.org or visit tbtst.org
October 7 Memorial at Ramat Shalom Beth Israel in Plantation
WHAT: A multigenerational service followed by the planting of flowers at the synagogue for each life lost. The congregation will light up the field of flowers every night from Oct. 7 to 11.
WHEN: 12:15 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 6
WHERE: Ramat Shalom Beth Israel Synagogue, 11301 W. Broward Blvd., Plantation
REGISTRATION: Call 954-472-3600, email info@rsbi.org or visit rsbi.org
Marking One Year. An Afternoon of Remembrance, Resilience, and HOPE in Davie
WHAT: The Jewish Federation of Broward County and local agencies are joining for a community-wide event to mourn the lives lost, pray for the remaining hostages, pay tribute to the volunteers who fought and affirm the community’s commitment to Israel.
WHEN: 4 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 6
WHERE: David Posnack JCC, 5850 S. Pine Island Road, Davie
REGISTRATION: jewishbroward.org
The Israel-Hamas War: A Year Later
WHAT: Adi Levy, a Florida Atlantic University political science instructor, will address the legacy of the war a year into the conflict. Is a two-state solution still feasible? What awaits Israel both domestically and regionally? Levy will explore the shifting regional and global dynamics against the backdrop of internal crises in Israel.
WHEN: 10 a.m. Monday, Oct. 7
WHERE: Florida Atlantic University, Friedberg Auditorium, 777 Glades Road, Boca Raton
COST: $40
REGISTRATION: calendar.fau.edu/calendar
Remembering October 7: A Night of Unity and Community in West Palm Beach
WHAT: The Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County is sponsoring a gathering of multiple speakers, including two Israelis who survived the attacks. Michael Oren, former Israel ambassador to the United States, is expected to address the gathering, as well as the community’s “shlicha” (Israel emissary), who will share her perspective as an Israeli living in the United States on Oct. 7 and in its aftermath.
WHEN: 7 p.m. Monday, Oct. 7
WHERE: Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, 701 Okeechobee Blvd., West Palm Beach
REGISTRATION: Email EventSupport@jewishpalmbeach.org to be placed on a waitlist as this event is already at capacity; visit jewishpb.org
‘We Remember Them: A Commemoration of Oct. 7’ in Boca Raton
WHAT: An evening of remembrance, stories of heroism and song.
WHEN: 7 p.m. Monday, Oct. 7
WHERE: Temple Beth El, 333 SW Fourth Ave., Boca Raton
REGISTRATION: tbeboca.org/event