Things are not going well for Roger Stone.
In a wide ranging interview with SiriusXM’s “Jim Norton & Sam Roberts” on Thursday he said his living situation has plummeted, his savings are gone and his car was impounded.
When money problems forced Stone and his wife to move from a Fort Lauderdale mansion to a one-room apartment the truck slipped out of gear and broke his wife’s ankle.
And he’s no longer talking to his old friend, President Donald Trump.
Stone is being prosecuted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office. He was arrested on Jan. 25 and charged with witness tampering, obstruction and false statements about his interactions related to the release of stolen Democratic Party emails by WikiLeaks.
He’s under a gag order from the federal judge in the case, prohibiting him from talking about it, something Stone said has made his financial situation more difficult.
“The worst part of this is being broke,” he said on the SiriusXM program that airs weekdays on the Faction Talk channel 103.
“I’ve lost my home, my insurance, what little savings I had, my ability to make a living because people pay me to write and talk, and of course the things they want me to write and talk about are the very things I’m not allowed to talk and write about. In the blink of an eye you can lose everything.
“I have to pay everything I have to lawyers. And I could no longer pay the rent in the property that I was in. I moved from a nine-bedroom house to a one-bedroom apartment. Had to do the move myself with my wife renting a truck. On the last day of the move in kind of a freak accident the truck slips out of gear and rolls over my wife’s ankle, breaking it.”
Stone and his wife, Nydia, lived in a $9,500-a-month house in the luxury Coral Isles subdivision, off Las Olas Boulevard between downtown Fort Lauderdale and the beach. It was the site of the dramatic, pre-dawn raid at which Stone was arrested in January.
He said he had to retrieve his car, which he said was impounded in Fort Lauderdale over “parking tickets I didn’t even know that I had.”
Also in the interview, Stone said he:
— Hasn’t spoken with Trump in nearly two years and “really” misses him.
“I’ve known him for 40 years. We’re very good friends. I don’t agree with everything he does, I agree with a lot of what he does,” Stone said. Stone said Trump was at his wedding, and he at two of Trump’s weddings; he was at the funerals for Trump’s parents, and is friendly with his sister. “I do miss him.”
— Has little good to say about Joe Biden, the former vice president widely expected to run for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination.
“I think Trump would beat him like a drum. The guy’s a lightweight. He is a physical and intellectual lightweight. He himself, he actually thinks he’s important. He’s a pompous blowhard.”
He said Biden’s history as a “zealous drug warrior” has contributed to “locking up poor people and black people for the first time nonviolent drug offense for the possession of small amounts of marijuana.”
— Is disappointed in Alex Jones, the conspiracy theorist, who hasn’t been selling Stone T-shirts, which he uses to help pay his legal bills, and hasn’t sent a contribution to his legal defense fund.
“I am grateful for Alex Jones for giving me a platform. He is a friend of mine. I like the guy, I like hanging out with him. I do not agree with everything he says, I agree with some of the things he says. He probably doesn’t agree with everything I say. But you know, the check would be nice.”, 954-356-4550 or Twitter @browardpolitics