NSU Places 100 Student-Athletes on 2018 SSC Spring Commissioner’s Honor Roll

MELBOURNE, Fla. – In its 2018 Spring Commissioner’s Honor Roll released on Tuesday afternoon, the Sunshine State Conference honored 100 student-athletes from Nova Southeastern University.
Overall, a record 1,301 student-athletes were named to the 2018 list, while a total of 238 student-athletes carried a perfect 4.00 grade-point average for the semester – both breaking the previous all-time marks set by the league in 2017. 

To be eligible for the Spring SSC Commissioner’s Honor Roll, a student-athlete must post a minimum grade- point average of 3.20 on a scale of 4.00. Participants in the sports of men’s and women’s basketball, men’s and women’s swimming, men’s and women’s golf, men’s and women’s tennis, men’s and women’s lacrosse, women’s rowing, baseball, and softball are eligible for the spring honor roll.
Having won 104 Division II National Championships, the SSC’s student-athletes have also proven to be successful in the classroom. For the seventh consecutive year, the SSC boasts an Academic Success Rate of 86-percent. The mark ranks first among all NCAA Division II conferences. 

To view the full 2018 SSC Spring Commissioner’s Honor Roll, CLICK HERE.
Below is a list of all the Sharks who received this honor. Those that are bolded and denoted with an asterisk held a 4.0.
Men’s Basketball
Carl Alenfall                  Business
David Dennis                Sport and Recreation Management
Malik Hardy                   Marine Biology 
Lukas Landgren             Business Administration
Nick Smith                    Business
Gerard Tarin                  Criminal Justice
Isaac White                   Psychology                                         

Women’s Basketball
Maria Bardeeva             International Studies
Hailey Conley                Criminal Justice
Mary Hirt                       Elementary Education  
Alison Hughes               Exercise and Sport Science      
Megan Piggott*            Sport and Recreation Management                 
Taylor Smith                 Criminal Justice           
Mikayla Thompson        Criminal Justice
Amanda Tivenius*        Business Administration                    
Destiny Walters             Finance            
Kayla Wright                 Human Development & Family Studies  
Men’s Swimming
Bernardo Abascal          Business                      
Julian Coster                 Management    
Adan Diaz                     Finance
Malique Elder                Marketing                     
Jacob Gauvain              Biology
Tristan Hichkad             Biology
David Hudson               Biology
Jacob Jones                 Biology            
Matteo Masiero             Undecided       
James Wilson               Accounting      
Jonathon Yanello          Engineering                  
Edward Zacka               Biology            

Women’s Swimming
Madison Allen               Exercise and Sport Science      
Liza Buluchevskaya*   Biology                       
Lindsay Craig*             Psychology     
Audrey Curtis                Exercise and Sport Science                  
Courtney Deveny          Biology
Tyler Fell                       Exercise and Sport Science
Laurel Fink                    Biology
Caily Friel                      Recreational Therapy    
Molly Griswold              Marketing         
Jenna Johns                 Marine Biology 
Emily Mehlhop*            Marine Biology
Georgia Ogonowski      Exercise and Sport Science                  
Hannah Pariseault*      Teacher Leadership    
Alyssa Roehr                 Biology
Alina Schulhofer            Psychology                 
Catherine Sell               Business Administration
Tate Vangellow             Marine Biology             
Haley Watters*              Exercise and Sport Science    
Malin Westman             Marketing                     
Men’s Golf
Benjamin Hjort              Finance
Khush Patel                  Finance            
Women’s Golf
Aldana Foigel                Communication Studies            
Jamie Freedman            Legal Studies   
Sofia Garcia Austt         Management    
Janelle Johnson            Business Administration
Sophie Madden             Sport and Recreation Management        
Sol Santecchia              Art and Design             
Eva Agasse                  Biology
Ivana Dordevic              Marketing
Andrea Ivanovic             Business
Ana Navas                    Business                      
Daniela Obando            Exercise and Sport Science                  
Nastassia Rubel            International Studies     
Nicole Baliszewski         Psychology
Jenna Beavon               Biology
Emma Brownawell         Communications
Danica Buse                 Biology
Katherine Godwin          Marine Biology 
Gabriella Lopez             English
Samantha Loriot            Marine Biology 
Marnie Mclean*            Exercise and Sport Science
Jasmine Morris              Exercise and Sport Science      
Kassie Moss                 Chemistry        
Kamaye Nichols            Exercise and Sport Science                  
Gabrielle Orr                 Pre-Athletic Training     
Victoria Porretti             Pre-Athletic Training     
Mikayla Shelton             Behavioral Neuroscience
Zoe Stein                      Legal Studies   
Emily Stewart*              Biology
Rayna Stuart                 Psychology     
Mikayla Switzer             Biology            
Ayelen Vegas                Business Administration           
Jake Anchia                  Business Administration
Nathan Chevalier           Exercise and Sport Science                  
Brendan Cutting            Sport and Recreation Management        
Bryan Diaz                    Exercise and Sport Science      
Anthony DiFede            Computer Engineering
Nick Gallo                     Business
Dylan Harris*                Leadership      
Alex Hernandez             Exercise and Sport Science                  
Kyle Kilbourne               Criminal Justice           
Andrew Liberty              Exercise and Sport Science                  
Ryan Maya                   Business Administration           
Ronny Orta                   Business Administration           

Kailynn Blackwood        Marine Biology 
Dana Edmundson*       Psychology                 
Megan Granitto             Exercise and Sport Science                  
Sydney Lageyre            Exceptional Student Education  
Mayte Lezcano              Biology            
Alyssa Loyd                  Psychology                 
Alex Suzuki                   Criminal Justice

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