Senator’s objection kills bill that would stop Brenda Forman’s office from overseeing Broward’s finances

A single senator’s objections killed a bill Wednesday aimed at settling who will oversee Broward County’s $2.5 billion investment portfolio.

Sen. Gary Farmer, D-Lighthouse Point, asked for the item to be pulled because he thinks more discussion is needed between Clerk of Courts Brenda Forman and the county.

“I think the parties kind of got a little tribalistic, and they kind of went in their corners,” Farmer said. “I don’t like to see us do things like that in that manner. … In fairness, she is a constitutional officer. There ought to be a dialogue.”

The county administrator has historically handled the county’s finances, but voters authorized moving those duties to the clerk of courts’ office starting in 2025.

Under the Senate’s rules, a single senator can stop a local bill — which applies to only a narrow geographic area — from being heard. The 60-day legislative session is scheduled to end Friday.

Ron Book, a lobbyist representing Broward County, said the county’s legislative delegation — including Farmer — unanimously supported the bill before the session started.

“It is awfully unfortunate that Sen. Farmer thwarted the will of the entire delegation,” Book said.

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