Congresswoman cites ‘rumors’ that Broward was the county with compromised election system

U.S. Rep. Frederica Wilson said Monday that she’s heard rumors that Broward is the county where the election system was hacked by Russians during the 2016 presidential election.

Speaking at a congressional hearing in Fort Lauderdale on voting rights and election administration, Wilson said “it’s been rumored that the county is Broward.”

During the hearing, and later in a brief interview, Wilson said she didn’t have specific evidence. “Nobody has proven that yet,” she said.

Steve Vancore, spokesman for the Supervisor of Elections Peter Antonacci, said it wasn’t Broward.

The what-county-is-it question arose last month when the redacted report from Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who was investigating Russian efforts to influence the 2016 presidential election, was released.

“The elephant in the room is Russia,” Wilson said Monday before bringing up the Broward rumor. Wilson, a Miami Democrat, represents part of South Broward.

Mueller’s report said the FBI concluded that efforts to infiltrate Florida election offices’ computer system was successful and the intruders were able to “gain access to the network of at least one Florida county government.”

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