Pier Sixty-Six and Beachcomber resorts laying off nearly 300 workers

Nearly 300 employees at Pier Sixty-Six Hotel & Marina in Fort Lauderdale and Beachcomber Resort and Villas in Pompano Beach are being laid off as the properties’ owners prepare to begin redevelopment projects.

At Pier Sixty-Six Hotel & Marina, 213 employees were notified Friday that their jobs will be eliminated on or near June 10, according to Shawn Warmstein, spokesman for developer Tavistock Development Co.

According to letters to the terminated employees from hotel general manager Amaury Piedra, the hotel’s managers are contacting other properties managed by Interstate Management Co. “as well as other companies in the area to let them know that we are closing and asking them to consider hiring our ex-employees when they have openings.”

Warmstein said he did not have a breakdown of the eliminated positions but that they include staff of restaurant inside the hotel.

All affected employees have been notified of their separation dates, which will take place between May 31 and June 14, Beachcomber controller Diego Soto said in the letter April 1 letter. The layoffs are expected to be permanent because the resort will be closed for more than six months and “we cannot anticipate our hiring needs once we reopen,” the letter said.

Eliminated positions will include 15 maids, 18 servers, five front desk agents, six kitchen prep workers, five bartenders, five housemen and four pool shop attendants.

Built in 1966, the nine-story building has 116 units, according to Broward County property records.