Unofficial Broward ballot box ‘has my antennae humming,’ new elections chief says

An unofficial ballot box that’s been used for at least a decade at one of Broward’s big condominium communities, during high-stakes national elections and lower-profile city elections, is now getting some scrutiny.

Peter Antonacci, who was appointed county supervisor of elections last year to clean up voting in Broward, learned about the use of the box this week and doesn’t like it.

He said it’s a warning sign of the potential for fraud in Florida elections, although he said he hasn’t seen evidence of fraud in this case. “I didn’t hear anything that rose to that level. It certainly has my antennae humming that the potential is there.”

The use of the box to collect vote-by-mail ballots isn’t explicitly banned by state law — nor is it authorized, Antonacci said. Prompted by discovery of the box, his office website now contains this warning: “Please do not deposit your vote-by-mail ballot into unauthorized, so called ‘BALLOT BOXES.’”

The idea, Belvedere said, was to provide a convenient way for people to turn in their completed vote-by-mail ballots, known for years as absentee ballots. It started at a time when the county didn’t pay for return postage on mail ballots.

And, she said, many people don’t want to rely on the Postal Service to get their ballots back to the Supervisor of Elections Office by the deadline. Florida law requires ballots to be at the Elections Office by 7 p.m. on Election Day. Postmarks don’t count, so if a ballot is delayed in the mail it won’t be counted, something that routinely happens in all elections.

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