Miramar Mayor Wayne Messam takes first legal step toward 2020 presidential run

He’s considering running for president in 2020 — but first Wayne Messam wants to know whether he’d have to quit as mayor of Miramar.

One of the state’s most prominent election lawyers is asking on Messam’s behalf about the Florida law that requires elected officials to resign from their current offices when they qualify as candidates for different offices.

But Wednesday’s letter to the Florida Division of Elections is not the only sign of just how serious Messam is about his ambitious plan. He has also spoken recently with activists, potential donors, former athletes and elected officials.

And he spoke with the chairman of the South Carolina Democratic Party, one of the earliest states in the presidential nominating process and it’s the first primary state with a significant black population. In 2016, 61 percent of the state’s Democratic primary voters were black; Messam is African-American.

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